Recent Posts

Peaches, Cherries and Orzo


 One of the nice things about southern California is we have a longer peach season than other parts of the country. It’s nice to enjoy juicy peaches bit longer especially in warm months of August and September. During one of those really warm days, I wanted to make something that […]

Salads in Pyrex Bowls


 Whenever I see Pyrex bowls, one with vintage patterns, I always think of a Japanese potato salad. When I was a child living in Japan, my grandmother would make me her delicious potato salad and put it in her Pyrex bowl. Unfortunately I don’t have her vintage Pyrex but I […]

Jarred Condiments and Open Faced Sandwiches


 I always keep must have condiment jars in the fridge or in the food cupboard when I cook. I find that when I have these condiments of pickled red onions, roasted bell peppers and pickled lemons, I can pretty much put together any tasty dishes. For lunch one day, I […]

First Post with Salmon Croquettes


 Very first posting for my blog. For anyone who will be reading this blog thank you and welcome. With this blog, my goal is to use my tableware pieces in my cupboard I collected over the years and share my food recipes. Tableware For this post I’m using my Italian […]